Pochettino Bemused By Chelsea's Inconsistency After 5-0 Thrashing By Arsenal

Mauricio Pochettino was left bemused by the inconsistency of his Chelsea players after they lost 5-0 to Arsenal in the Premier League on Tuesday.

Apr 24, 2024 - 13:44
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Pochettino Bemused By Chelsea's Inconsistency After 5-0 Thrashing By Arsenal

Fresh from pushing Manchester City all the way in the FA Cup semi-finals on Saturday- albeit in defeat- Pochettino was expecting his young side to kick on but what he witnessed at the Emirates Stadium was nothing short of dreadful.

Down 1-0 at half-time, Chelsea capitulated in the second period and shipped four more goals including a brace from former Blue Kai Havertz.

Chelsea have now conceded 57 goals in the Premier League this season, the most in their history, and remain ninth on the table.

"We are showing this inconsistency and that is why we are where we are," Pochettino said.

"We are able to have an amazing performance and then one like this. When we have bad days, we are so bad. It's difficult to talk. We were talking in the same way after last season.

"We put in a fantastic performance at Wembley and then today, you can lose a game at Arsenal but in the way we competed… why one day, three days ago and then today in this way?"