Carrick Signs New Three-Year Contract To Remain Middlesbrough Manager

Middlesbrough manager Michael Carrick has extended his contract at the club until the summer of 2027.

Jun 3, 2024 - 17:09
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Carrick Signs New Three-Year Contract To Remain Middlesbrough Manager

Carrick had entered the final year of his contract at the Riverside Stadium, having joined in October 2022.

The former Manchester United midfielder led Middlesbrough to a fourth place finish in the 2022/2023 season, suffering defeat in their play-off semi-final.

Last season, Middlesbrough finished eighth and reached the League Cup semi-finals, losing to Chelsea.

Speaking to the club's media channels, Carrick said: "I think having that attachment, that trust and that belief within the club is really important.

"We've certainly got that. That's what still gives me the great feeling that I had when I first walked through the door.

"It feels like a big step as a headline, as a statement, but really it doesn't change anything I do or how I approach it – it just carries on what we're trying to achieve."

Carrick joined Manchester United as a player from Tottenham Hotspurs in the summer of 2006 and went on to make 464 appearances for the club, winning among others five Premier League titles and the UEFA Champions League in 2008.

He won 34 caps for the England national team.