Everton To Move Into New 52,888 Capacity Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium For 2025/26 Season

Everton have announced they will move into their new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock at the start of the 2025/2026 season.

Dec 16, 2023 - 14:25
 0  319
Everton To Move Into New 52,888 Capacity Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium For 2025/26 Season

The Toffees have been playing at Goodison Park since 1892 but concrete plans for the new 52,888 capacity stadium have been in place since August 2021.

Works on the new stadium are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024 and Everton had been contemplating moving there mid-way through the 2024/2025 campaign.

“Firstly, and to be absolutely clear, our decision to not move in mid-season is not because of a construction delay,” said interim chief executive Colin Chong.

“It is a club decision driven by a combination of commercial insight, a comprehensive review of the logistics required, an analysis of the potential impact upon our football operations and, importantly, fan feedback sourced as part of our recent stadium migration survey.

“Everton Stadium remains firmly on track, as scheduled, to be completed in the final weeks of 2024.

“All of this does mean that next season, 2024-25, is scheduled to be our last at Goodison Park.

“By the time we close the gates for the final time, Goodison will have been our home for nearly 134 years.”