Ben White Hails Saliba-Gabriel Partnership In Heart Of Arsenal's Defence

Ben White has hailed the partnership between William Saliba and Gabriel Magalhaes in the heart of Arsenal's defence.

Dec 24, 2023 - 14:24
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Ben White Hails Saliba-Gabriel Partnership In Heart Of Arsenal's Defence

Arsenal's impenetrable centre back pairing were crucial to Mikel Arteta's side taking home a point in Saturday's Premier League encounter against Liverpool at Anfield.

It was Gabriel who gave the Gunners an early lead before Mohamed Salah restored parity for the hosts in a 1-1 draw. He is the highest-scoring defender in the Premier League since he joined Arsenal in September 2020 (11 goals).

Arsenal have the meanest defence alongside Liverpool in the league this season, with both sides letting in just 16 goals.

White believes Gabriel and Saliba were crucial in Arsenal maintaining their one-point lead at the top of the table against Liverpool.

“They are unbelievable together. They are so strong and powerful. They make it easier for everyone around them,” White said of the centre-back pair.

“They just don’t do too much wrong, do they? They are so consistent every game.

“No one is dominating them speed-wise or strength-wise. It’s hard for strikers to come up against and find anything positive to come out of the game.”

“I think when you come here it’s so, so tough and to come away with a point is probably a positive,” added White.

“That’s what we have got now, we are such a positive team. We wanted to come here and win, and I think you see that from our performance.”